HOW TO: Trick List & Demonstrations by the Kendama USA people!See their great videos on how to do the tricks!
 Spectators & participants welcome! Informal play, friendly informal competitions, show your skills! Outside fun free to watch, $2 to take part. Weather dependentSat. March 30, 2019 12-2 (gift shop open 10 am-12)Sun. March 31, 2019 1-2:30 (gift shop open 12-1, 2-4) Bring own kendamas or buy here earlier Door prizes, meet others, fun!
You may use cash or credit cards in the specialty gift shop. Beginners Kendama Class & Top Spinning Class Wed March 27, 2019 3:30-4:30 or Sat. March 30, 2019 2:30-3:30 Must call ahead to register. Tips, Tricks, Challenges: Skill Toys WorkshopSunday March 31, 2019 2:30-3:30
..........................................................2019 Skill Toys & Yo-Yo Convention An informal contest will be held if 2 or more participate for same division. - Kendama Ladder Trick list - See yo-yo contest rules + basis for Kendama Trick Contest Spinning Top & Yo-Yo Museum, Burlington WisconsinTry each trick in order until you have missed 3. Don't worry if you don't know them all, just try what you know. Contestant with the most successful tricks, and minimum of 5 successful tricks, is first place, etc.To be in the contest either bring your own Kendama(s) or buy them here!DIVISION A Age 11 years & younger DIVISION B Age 12-18 DIVISION C Age 19 and up
- BEGINNERS TRICKS - Moshikame Tap Back Candle Stick Baseball Bat SPIKE! Orbit Flying Top Airplane Around Japan Around the World Penguin Catch Wrap It Up B Lighthouse Zero Spin Stunt Plane
-INTERMEDIATE TRICKS - Swing Spike Jumping stick Faster Than Gravity Bottom Cup Down Spike Bird Cold Pizza Flying V 1 Turn Lighthouse One Turn Airplane Fast Hand Spike Lazy Lighthouse Tama Turn Moon Circle Hand Roll Air Whip Lighthouse Trade Spike Lighthouse Flip Drop Step Fun House
- ADVANCED TRICKS - UFO Whirlwind Around USA Tornado Trade Spike The Turner Base Cup Flip To In Lunar Lander Stilt Moon Circle Quick Spike Boarders Balance Lunar Tre Flip The Ken Drop Butterfly 1 Turn Tap Airplane Jet Plane Juggle Juggle Up To Lighthouse Lighthouse Juggle Lighthouse Inverted Forward Jumping Stick Surface Spin
